#“fuck you morgan”
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frankiebirds · 9 months ago
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if i were them i would have NEVER let him live this down <33
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 months ago
Put another OC in the x reader tag, I dare you...
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goofalicousgooberface · 7 months ago
I started watching dexter and it’s genuinely wild shit. His inner monologue will be like ‘this would be considered a kind action, if I had a heart. But unfortunately, I feel nothing inside. My chest is an empty cage, with no warmth inside it’ and he’s doing some shit like saving a puppy that almost got run over or something
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lesbicosmos · 7 months ago
"who would travel 2 hours* just to go to a forest that's dumb"
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months ago
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"I'd be better off jumping.."
"They expressly told me not to kill you-"
"Oh, so this is about you?"
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tiredcowboyy · 1 year ago
I hate when people (usually men on reddit) are like “if you met arthur back then he would murder you for breathing in his existence!” Oh would he? When? Before or after he’s finished doodling bunnies and flowers?
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dollopheadsandclotpoles · 2 months ago
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A normal day in the life of Court Physician, Gaius: Part two (x)
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hartbreak-motel · 11 days ago
My brain is still recalibrating from what went down at Elimination Chamber last night.
While that's happening, have some more characters cards.
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
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utterlyazriel · 1 month ago
this ribbon of blood that ties us together
a/n: i luv ignoring my wips and going feral and emerging from a doc 48 hours with this word count: 6.3k synopsis: Once upon a time, a high-society girl, you were to be wed. Two years on, you live a much different life alongside Arthur Morgan, an outlaw life, despite your squeamishness to blood, killing, and the like. But when the past won't stay buried, you learn just how far you'll go to protect the man you love. hurt/comfort, mutual pining, friends to lovers, period-typical sexism & canon-typical violence
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By all accounts, according to Arthur, the two of you should not be friends.
Not that you weren’t lovely company! And nor was it that you couldn’t stand his long, sullen silences, even if he had trouble believing you were enjoying yourself, just sitting by him.
But there was a clear difference between you — one that Arthur felt sorely.
He hadn’t wanted to call you innocent, ‘cos you weren’t the naive type and you weren't stupid neither. But for running with a gang of outlaws? Your hands were remarkably clean.
See, you hadn’t killed a thing, ever: man or beast.
You got squeamish if you were on cooking duty when Pearson was butchering up the latest hunt, eyes hastily averted. You had pouted all day when John tread on a butterfly, even if it was entirely by accident. You passed off darning shirts to Tilly if they were too blood-soaked, nausea evident on your face.
Well, passed off is the wrong wording. More like, tried to sew without looking at your hands til Tilly took pity and offered to switch with you.
You weren't naive, you just didn't like to see things die. Not an awful hill to die on, Arthur had to agree. Neither did he in most cases.
Micah liked to grouse that you were definitely not cut out for gang life—said with a predatory curl of his lip, eyes shining with malicious intent. Probably was dreaming up all those ways to frighten you, or ruin your "innocence", just for the hell of seeing you shriek.
But Micah was a bad man. You knew that.
It’s why Arthur didn’t understand why the hell you tolerated him.
Watching you over the fire, the air bending in the heat, Arthur relents with a sigh. You did much more than tolerate him. If he wasn’t feeling so sour-faced, he probably go as far as to say you liked him, good and proper.
Besides, he could admit he was a better man than Micah; even if only in the faintest of ways.
He killed just as much. He’s beat men to death with his bare hands, blood flying and bones crunching. He doesn’t hesitate to send a bullet into any unlucky bastard getting between him and the next score for the gang.
Arthur knows feeling guilty doesn’t absolve him of nothin’.
At least he helped people too. Stopped when a lonely straggler needed a ride, retrieved stolen bags, and hunted down herbs and flowers. He enjoyed being the good thing riding into town, even if at time it took a hell of a lotta patience.
That was something he had, that Micah did not.
It just wasn’t enough for Arthur to understand why you might care for him.
But Arthur Morgan is not one to look the gift horse in the mouth and so despite how unlikely it should be, the two of you were friends.
It means being greeted in the early morning with a cup of coffee, the cup pressed into his hand before he’s even wiped the sleep from his eyes. You don’t linger, not any longer than you need to make sure he’s not gonna drop the hot mug.
The first time you had offered it, Arthur had been so surprised he had nearly dropped it.
You had laughed, hands darting out to steady the cup, and looked up at him through your lashes. “Hold tight, cowboy. That’s important stuff in there.”
Arthur had wondered then if this was what it was like to be struck by lightning. Each atom of his body fizzed, coming alive with a hum.
He had opened his mouth, then closed it, uncharacteristically flustered by the gesture.
You had laughed again, softer this time. Arthur finally reined himself in and tipped his hat in appreciation—mainly to hide the colour on his cheeks.
“Thank you kindly, miss.”
“You’re very welcome, Mister Morgan.” You had mused, amusement in your smile. Then you departed, other chores calling your name, with nothing more than a smile thrown over your shoulder.
For him, your friendship means finding the little gifts of the world to bring back. He hadn’t thought too much of it before, passing through homesteads and general stores with only fleeting glances.
However, after a week of hand-delivered cups of coffee, Arthur had begun to hunt for something of equal calibre he could give in return.
Several flowers sat in his tent, wilting and drying in the sun, in the grasp of a man too unsure of himself to gift them. He bought sweets, an extra chocolate bar in his satchel, before it was eaten in gnawing worry of what you’d think.
He was a brute. Trying to gift you nice things from his violent hands was downright laughable.
It wasn’t until he found a hair-pin, silver and slender with a delicate flower atop it, did Arthur manage to finally give back. He’d bought it before he could chicken out and once he had it, he thought it would be far stranger to keep it than to gift it.
You liked wearing flowers in your hair. That had been why Arthur picked them for you—but this, you could wear always, without it wilting.
He’d handed it over as you had passed him his morning coffee, pressing it into your palm as nonchalantly as he could manage. Then he hid his smile behind his coffee at your delighted gasp, your joy infectious and unmistakable.
You had thanked him profusely, for the first time not calling him Mister Morgan, but instead Arthur. His name had never sounded sweeter than falling from your lips
And that there… that was the one other, really good reason that you and him shouldn’t be friends.
Because as sure as the sun rose every morning, Arthur Morgan rose with it, undeniably in love with you.
You had been engaged once before.
Not by choice—an important distinction you hold fast to. Even if Karen likes to make passing jokes about you being a woman already spoken for, you’re thankful when Abigail quickly shoots her down with a piercing glare.
There is, after all, only one real reason a woman like you ends up on the run.
Rufus Hugo is your particular reason. A man up to his neck in wealth, pilfering the land for oil, and, as last you knew, looking for a fourth wife.
You’d once thought him unlucky, your poor fiancé.
How is it one man can be followed by such tragedy? Three young wives, in the space of a couple years, each found violated and slaughtered in the back alleys of Saint Denis, red smiles cut into their throats.
You’d once been a fool.
The papers and Sheriff had to be under his thumb, considering the blind eye and frilly stories they turned out. The rumours told a different, darker tale — ones that fell on deaf ears, too twisted up in your own plastic assurances.
Your father wouldn’t have organised this if he knew. And— and he couldn’t know, because it simply couldn’t be true.
Rufus treated you like a jewel, plying you with expensive gifts and decadent clothing, more than you’d ever had before.
When the nag in your gut didn’t leave, he had coaxed it out of you — the fear of some maniacal killer, out for the blood of Mister Hugo’s betrothed — and then he assured you with a feline smile of a wolf.
No one’s going to lay a hand on you, treasure. The only man who gets to touch you is me.
Adoring at the time.
Stomach-churning in hindsight.
You’d overheard entirely by accident, a fact that makes your heart skip stutter if you think about it too long.
Pure luck saved your life. Pure chance that you’d overheard them, wandering the halls at one of the many parties held in the honour of your engagement.
His nasty habit revealed to you in a manner of words, floating out the keyhole.
His sickening tone, lusty and humorous at once, you heard him tell the other men at the party how there was nothing better than how tight their cunts had got when he dragged the blade across their jugular.
Your stomach had plummeted. Bile crawled thickly up your throat.
The version of the world you knew contorted painfully, upside down and suddenly all wrong.
And like the vicious pain of stepping into a bear trap, the hinges of it sweeping up with sharpened blades, you knew if you stayed that you would undoubtedly be next.
You ran.
With nothing but the clothes on your back, frenzied like an animal being cornered, you ran. It was thankful you managed any coherent ideas as you tore down the stairs, pushing through the party, uncaring of the cries that followed you — but stealing a horse was probably the only reason you survived.
Though you sparsely knew how to ride it, you rode for two long, hard days before exhaustion caught up.
No amount of distance felt safe enough to slide off your dead-tired horse but you were given no choice. Your stomach ached with the growl of hunger and delirium had begun to creep in from your lack of sleep.
You were parched beyond relief and still in your god forsaken party dress, when you let your horse slow to a stop in a shallow river.
Then you’d fallen off in one spineless lump.
Caught somewhere between physical exhaustion and sleep, the freezing water had been quite the wake-up. More so when you surfaced, spluttering, and there was a man standing before you — muttering something about a strange damn woman.
It was the very first night you laid your eyes upon Arthur Morgan—soon after which, you promptly fainted from exhaustion.
The same night you disappeared from Saint Denis — becoming a ghost before you were doomed to become one at the hands on your to-be husband — you were reinvented in the warmth of a gang on the run.
Two years on, you stop wondering if Rufus Hugo still hunts for his fourth bride.
There would have been search parties for you, you’re sure of it. Even if half the party could attest to you fleeing of your own accord, a rich man doesn’t give up his prizes so easily.
But somewhere along the way, you’re not sure when, you stopped looking over your shoulder. You no longer tensed at every new, unfamiliar figure on the horizon, certain it was your past crawling back.
You’re not sure when—but you sure as hell know why.
Sliding off his horse in one fluid motion, Arthur hitches the reins on the post out front the general store with a grunt.
It’s a blazing day in Rhodes, the desert sun overhead. A mirage pools in the distance, along the main road. There’s little wind to cool you, just the buzz of flies around the horses.
It’s just you and Arthur travelling today.
An unnecessary journey for the sake of enjoying each other’s company; under the guise of camp work, of course.
You two are friends. Arthur kept his distance from most gang members, happier on the outside of the circle, which you knew.
It meant that when you got these moments — Arthur inviting you along for a journey to a town, the myriad of gifts he seemed to find for you — you couldn’t help but… hope.
You steal a glance at the cowboy, drinking in his rugged profile. He’s due for a shave, his beard a little longer than you know he prefers, but you gladly enjoy the sight.
Men in the city were groomed and clean-shaven. There’s something much more real about the ruggedness of Arthur’s appearance, his blue eyes flashing your way from beneath his hat. You catch the hint of his smile too.
Watching him subtly, he takes a moment to coo his praise to his mare, Hypatia. She nickers affectionately, searching for a treat that he dotingly gives. His rough voice whispers lowly of how he spoils her, even as he brushes her neck gently.
Sometimes, you really think Arthur likes horses more than he likes people.
It doesn’t bother you—how could it? How could you feel anything but soft-hearted when you see him dote on his horse, all his corners softened?
Besides, you think it’s a good show of character.
You’ve heard how he talks to himself sometimes, self-deprecating mutterings of how he’s a bad man, unworthy of your kindness.
But you’ve met worse men before.
Arthur may have killed, but never senselessly. Never for pleasure.
“I think,” Arthur says, his southern drawl thick. He tips his hat to the general store ahead of you both. “The spices will be second floor.”
Can’t hunt, can’t kill, can’t thieve — but god, can you cook.
It had been nice to have something to bring to the gang, considering your general squeamishness. Arthur decided long ago it was worth heading further south for the better spices closer to the city.
“I gots to pick up some more ammo, but I’ll meet ya in there.” His gaze finds the gun store across the street before tracking back to yours. He checks, “That alright?”
You nod to him, as your own mare butts your shoulder gently, making you laugh.
“Yeah, that’s alright, Arthur.” You affirm, reaching back to give her a pat. The sweet smile you wear is equal parts for her as it is for the cowboy before you.
“See you in a minute,” you say. Arthur nods, boots kicking up the red dirt as he begins to make his way down the main street.
The worn steps of the general store creek underfoot as you make your way up them, already mentally flicking through what you’d wanted to buy.
Salt, oregano, thyme… maybe some cumin, knowing how much Arthur seems to like it. Nodding politely to the shopkeeper, you head for the second story stairs — missing the flash of someone familiar through the window, peering in.
These wooden stairs are far less worn than those outside, but the traces of countless boots are evident all the same. Hand on the railing, you ascend slow, mind wandering off easily.
It’s venison for dinner, if you aren’t mistaken, from the latest hunt Charles brought in. Maybe tonight you’ll make convince Pearson to make the stew your way—spiced heavily and just the way Arthur likes it. (He hasn’t told you that half the reason is because it’s you making it.)
You approach the lined shelves with a hum, eyes dancing from colourful tin to colourful tin. Spotting your first target, a trusty tin of salt, you miss the creek of the floorboards behind you as you reach for it.
Your hand falters, fingers outstretched, halted in the place. There’s the unmistakable heat of a body behind you— but even so, the scrape of a knife leaving its sheathe confirms it.
A shuddering exhale forces from your mouth as the knife is suddenly beneath your chin, hovered above your throat. You lock in place, hand still held out. A hurricane of harrowing dread howls through you.
It couldn’t… it couldn’t be him.
No way could he have found you now, after years of your disappearance — no way was he still fucking looking for you.
The well of horror in your chest caves in, growing like a sinkhole, as your mind repeats the same word over and over: no, no, no, no, no.
The blade moves up, the cool edge of it pressing to your chin. You inhale sharply and feel a tremble start to take your body as your face is forcibly turned, pulling your gaze to a sickeningly familiar face.
“My, my,” Rufus croons. “My little bride to-be. Been lookin' for you a long time.”
Your nose wrinkles at the title, one you’d renounced the minute you'd fled, all those months ago. His dark eyes narrow at the motion and travel to your outstretched left hand, eyeing it with a glint.
“No ring.” He tuts, letting the knife fall back against your throat and resting it there.
You snatch your hand back in, hands flying to his arm and pulling with all your might—a fruitless battle against his strength. All it earns you is the sharp edge of the blade pressing further into your skin and you stop moving quickly, another gutted gasp pulled from you.
"Do you even know," He hisses into your ear. "How much goddamn money I spent on you? On trying to track you down?"
The venom in his voice leaks out, replaced by a charismatic purr you're far more familiar with. Once upon a time, it had voiced believable assurances from a man who would happen to be your husband.
Now, it only widens the sinkhole in your chest.
"You've cost me a fortune, treasure. Now I've come to collect what I'm owed."
A finger draws an idle line on your back, creeping forward along the stroke of your waist. Try as you might to suppress it, a shiver skitters through you and your throat presses ever closer to the knife again.
It's enough to pierce the skin, just a sliver, before the finger on your waist turns is joined by four others, clamping tightly.
Your balance wavers as you're forced back, the hard line of his body pressing flush up against you.
Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck are you going to do?
Eyes screwing closed, you force your breath to remain even. You— you have your own revolver but if you move, you don't doubt Rufus has any qualms with painting the shop-floor with your blood.
If he wants you, he'll have to move you- he— he'll have to leave the shop and then, you can try—
A loud clatter sound and your eyes fly open, catching on to what's been dropped — your stomach following suit quickly. Your revolver glints back at you.
"Here's what's going to happen," Rufus begins, as if he's merely discussing the weather. "You and I are gonna—"
His voice drops at the intrusion of noise, a squeak from the stairs behind you. In an instant, you remember the person you're waiting on. Arthur.
A desperate mixture of terror and relief shoves up your throat. It's a warning and a cry for help simultaneously.
When the knife shifts, you have no choice but to shift too, your body and Rufus twisting deftly—his other hand drawing his revolver in an instant, the barrel directed at Arthur. He's already drawn back the hammer.
There's no keeping your breathing even now. Not as you get to watch Arthur's distracted gaze tug upward, seeing the horror seep into his expression. His body becomes deathly still.
You don't come along on jobs for good reason. Even so, you aren't so naive as to think being an outlaw has no risks. You know Arthur has been on the barrel-end of innumerable weapons, that he risks his life on the daily.
You've just never had to see it with your own eyes before.
The scene unfolding before you feels like a honest-to-god nightmare, ripped from the most fearful parts of your mind and thrust into reality.
A slush of hysteria churns within you at the realisation you may very, very well watch Arthur die today. The man who had been the first to hold out his hand, to offer you aid, to pull you from the life you were running to escape.
The one you hold too closely in your heart, in your affections.
The thought triggers something to seize terribly in your heart — and you know suddenly, without doubt, you'll do anything to stop it from happening.
There's a long moment where nobody breathes. You watch as Arthur's sharp eyes dart from the gun, to the knife on your neck, up to your face in rapid succession. You watch his horror bleed into a vengeful fury, one like you've never seen before.
"You don't want to do that."
The words come out so low it's nearly a growl. Arthur's hand moves, drawing back to his holster when Rufus interrupts.
"Uh, uh, uh," He taunts, quickly turning the barrel of the gun to your head. The barrel of it butts against your temple.
Arthur freezes.
"That's right. You're going to drop your revolver."
It's a staggeringly long moment as Arthur wrestles with what to do, his hand still hovering, fingers twitching. Then the knife nudges closer and the single trickle of blood down the column of your neck is enough to have him complying.
It lands with a thud against the floor. It feels like the nail in the coffin.
"Why are you doin' this?"
The revolver in Rufus' hand lolls forward to aim back at Arthur, the motion almost lazy. He smiles.
"She didn't tell you?" His attention switches to you, using his thumb on the knife to stroke along your neck. "Is this who you replaced me with, treasure? He's hardly an upgrade. Hell, he looks—"
The words die off as Rufus' head snaps back to Arthur, his passive grip on his gun changing in an instant.
For one long moment, he studies the outlaw across from you both and then, horribly, you feel the moment he starts to laugh.
"Oh, treasure," He all but coos at you. You see Arthur bristle across the room. "You're precious. Runaway with the outlaws, did you? This day just gets better and better."
He focuses his gaze back on Arthur and lines up his aim, hand steady. "I've seen your wanted posters, Mister Morgan. A fine five thousand to bring you in. My bride and my money all in a day's work."
He grins like the goddamn cat that got the cream, finger adjusting on the trigger.
And even though you know he knows, even though you know you told him, you can't help how your focus snaps to Arthur's reaction. Your stomach swoops in a horrible twist.
Because you can't but wonder if you're worth the trouble. As if you think, that now, as he realises who this man from your past is, he'll relent. He'll hand you over.
Understanding flickers across Arthur's face, the word bride sinking in with a sting. Then, somehow, the lethality rippling from his very being grows, expanding tenfold.
He's downright murderous, looking every bit of the immoral, malevolent man he believes himself to be.
He is never going to hand you over, you realise, the fear dissipating in the air like smoke.
Another one takes its' place. It's a terrible truth; he'll get himself killed trying to save you.
"Best of all?" Rufus hums. "You're wanted dead or alive, Mister Morgan."
He'll kill him.
You act without thinking. Distracted enough, Rufus' strength is beaten as your wrench the arm holding the knife back far enough to bite down into it, hard. Blood springs up beneath your teeth, the hard lines of sinew snapping beneath the force.
Rufus howls in pain. The revolver drops Arthur from its' sights as Rufus shoves against you fiercely, the butt of the gun slamming against your temple in a loud knock. You both hurtle to the ground in a desperate struggle—and all you can think of it the blade in his hand.
It presses forward, aimed for your neck, and you rip your teeth out of his arm, taking a pound of flesh with it. Rufus wails again and the knife surges forward, intended for your heart.
You twist frantically and escape the hold, scampering up and with nothing but pure instinct, your urge the blade into his own chest, pressing with all your weight.
It sinks in with a satisfying, bubbling gurgle. Blood rises quickly to spew from the wound, a river of red spilling out.
He's going to kill him—he's going to kill Arthur. The manic thought has your hands prying the knife out and driving it back in again, over and over, his body making soft squelching as gutted sounds drag from his mouth.
Blood sprays wildly, coating your face and clothes, but you can't stop. You can't stop, he's going to kill Arthur and take you away from him. You can't let it happen— you can't—
Hands pull at your arms and you seize wildly, dropping the knife and thrashing away, but in doing so, Arthur swings into vision.
It's him. He's alive. He's the one touching you. He's speaking, his lips moving, but no words are reaching your ears.
Your chest is heaving, hyperventilation wracking your body. Your ringing ears finally tune back in.
"—alright, you're alright. It's me. He's dead. He's dead. You're okay." Arthur murmurs, almost nonsensically, his hands held out, palms up. He's crouched before you and he barely knows what he's saying, but you're staring at him like a wild animal, drenched in blood.
"It's okay," He says again, desperate to help you in any way he can, blue eyes locked on you. "You're okay."
There's still blood in your mouth from the chunk you've taken out of Rufus' arm and a bright red splatter of it sprayed across your face.
"I—" The word coughs out of you.
Your gaze falls into horror as you take in the body growing cold on the floor next to you. Arthur watches the panic set in as the realisation of what you've done sets in.
"I- I had to, I had to," You begin to babble, terror threaded in your tone. "I had to, he was— he was gonna kill you."
"Hey, hey," Soothing sounds fall from his lips as Arthur shifts forward, reaching for you desperately. You grip his forearms, eyes wide, as if you need to make him understand.
"He was gonna—" Your words are interrupted by your own choking sob, breathing coming too fast. "Arthur, he was gonna kill you, I-I had to."
"I know, I know," Arthur croaks out, his throat thickening as his own realisation dawns. This hadn't been an act of rabid self-defence, as he thought. You had killed Rufus for him.
You, who can't stand the sight of blood, who gets queasy at the butchers, who doesn't like to hunt or kill — but will for him. To protect him. If he wasn't already there, the sheer display of love would send Arthur crumbling to his knees.
But he just moves his hands, his violent hands, to cup your face. The blood smears. "I know, sweetheart."
You’re staring him, your eyes still wide and wild, looking frantically for something in his face. Forgiveness? Absolution?
Arthur will gladly absolve you of this, a crime that was barely a crime at all. Saving his life and your own, at the cost of the life of a killer.
There's blood on your eyelashes and in your hair. Your breathing slows but your bottom lip quivers with a fierceness. In the smallest voice he's ever heard from you, you whisper, "I had to," then crumble.
Arthur's large body cradles yours easily, one hand tucking around your middle and the other shifting to cup the back of your head as you sink into him. Your head tucks away in the crook of his neck, soft sobs spilling out easily now, and something awful aches in Arthur's chest.
"I got you," He repeats, a promise, a goddamn oath he swears to keep. "I got you, you're okay. You didn't do nothin' wrong."
He feels downright evil to move you so soon but his ears prick at some commotion below. Casting his eyes back to dead body, Arthur knows the large pool of blood has made its way through the floorboards. It's only a matter of minutes before the Sheriff will be here.
"Shit." He curses. He strokes a tender hand along your hair, calling gently for your attention.
"We gotta move. People are comin'. Can you walk?"
You dig your face out of his neck, movements sluggish. The exhaustion from the terror has drained you, your eyelids already drooping, limbs heavier.
Arthur makes the call for you.
Hoisting you softly into his hold, he keeps you nestled against his broad chest, arms tucked behind your back and the bend of your knees. He's almost thankful you can't stand, if only so he can feel the puffs of breaths that escape you against his neck, a reminder you're still with him.
Arthur eyes the locked door in the back corner. It'll lead around the back of the general store and out to the street but Hypatia and your own horse were still hitched out the front. Gritting his teeth, he prepares himself for a wild run, hoping the element of surprise is enough.
It will be enough. It has to be enough.
It's with a charging sprint that he makes it down the stairs, his boots slamming against the wooden floorboards. He doesn't pause to take in the shop-keepers aghast reaction, nor the sprinkling shower of red from the ceiling.
He bursts out into the daylight. Eagle eyes scanning the streets, it's clear that, for now, he's ahead of the law.
With less gentleness than he'd prefer, Arthur pushes you up onto Hypatia's saddle, keeping one hand on your waist to keep you upright and on. His other reaches for the reins hitched over the post and he snags them free, quickly doing the same for your horse.
There's a yell down the street, loud and demanding. Arthur doesn't spare a glance, vaulting himself up onto the saddle behind you.
With a hyah! and a loud, practised whistle, Hypatia breaks into a sprint, quickly followed by your own horse.
Two horses tear down main street, hooves thundering, a fearsome and unstoppable silhouette against the western sun.
The townspeople bleat their fear, barely leaping out the way in time as the horses rush by. Dust kicks up a red-dirt storm. Soon, when it settles, gone will be the only proof you were ever there.
Arthur rides.
The weight of you, slumped back in his chest, is less of a comfort than he would like.
He wants to— no, needs to see your eyes, needs to intercept every foul, wicked thought running rabid in your mind. You’re clawing at your soiled conscience, he’s sure of it, trying to tear the new stain on it from you.
Ruined yourself—for him.
A spidering guilt cloys in his chest, darker than ink and sharper than any blade or bullet he’s ever felt before. His chest aches.
Arthur knows he’s a bad man. He just never imagined he might drag you down to his murky depths.
Swallowing heavy, he grips the reins tighter. Leather bites into his palms. He welcomes the punishment.
He feels, more than hears, your sudden shuddering gasp as you come back to yourself. Your exhaustion must have dipped away enough and it’s clear, for a moment, you struggle to place yourself and your surroundings.
The jostle of a horse beneath you is a giveaway but even so, Arthur feels your hand curl across his toned forearm. Your grip is tight, nearly masking the tremble in your fingers. Nearly.
“It’s me,” Arthur assures, raising his gruff voice loud enough for you to hear over the rumble of galloping. “I got you, it’s Arthur.”
The grip on his arm loosens, his works sinking in, and you nod wordlessly. You let him cocoon you in safety, surrounded in his arms.
Unknown to Arthur, the ride is far too reminiscent of the journey you’d taken all those years ago; the long, hard ride with no goal but putting distance between you and where you were running from. Who you were running from.
Except this time, the one you're running from is dead. He’s dead and you killed him.
It’s unclear how far he travels, the sun sitting lower in the sky, a pinkness blooming on the horizon, before Arthur pulls Hypatia into a slower trot.
You hadn't been followed out of Rhodes, he knows, but he’d still taken you as far as he could, likely further than necessary.
But now, out of physical danger, his priority switches on a dime, all of his senses zoned in to you before him. You, still wordless, still vacant, still painted in a glaze of scarlet.
The decision come easy, Arthur using his keen skills to trot towards the sound of water. A thorough check ensures you'll have no company and Arthur wastes no time, tugging the reins to a halt with a quiet click. He dismounts, large hands reaching for you before his boots even hit the dirt.
You’re willing, your hands seeking him, finding his shoulders and allowing him to help you off Hypatia. There’s a dulled look in your eyes and Arthur knows he will do anything—anything— to change that.
Feet on the ground, you’re level with his chest and you blink slowly, staring forward.
For a moment, Arthur waits, his brows drawn together in his concern. He gives you the moment. If you need to cry, to scream, to blame him — he'll take it, weather whatever storm you have brewing within you.
But you only drag yours eyes up to meet his, voice still small, "I got blood on you."
Another fracture in his chest, another ache of misery. Arthur sighs, gaze softening immeasurably, his hand coming up to cup your cheek tenderly. The blood smears beneath his touch.
"That's alrigh', sweetheart." He murmurs, sweet as he can. He tilts his head slightly, towards the lazy, roving river, blue eyes never leaving you. “Will ya let me clean yer up? In the river?”
You seem to just notice the riverbank you’re standing upon, head twisting to peer at the roaming water of the river.
A nod, minuscule and unnoticeable, if he wasn’t tuned into your every movement.
His hand on your face shifts, reaching down to tangle with your own. It's an anchor in unsteady seas, solid and unflinching.
Your eyes take in your hands, intertwined, and trail up to his face — and you know, with a sudden burning intensity, you can't regret what you've done today.
Not if it means having him. Not if it means saving him.
Arthur leads you down to the water, slow and steady. You follow, hand clutching his tightly, like a devoted follower who trails a messiah, your salvation ahead.
Stopping only to remove your boots and his own, along with his hat, Arthur bites back his hiss at the chill of the water as he wades his way in, fully clothed. The water licks up his calves, thighs, rushing around the sudden intrusion. When it reaches above his waist, he pauses, letting you catch up.
The sun kisses the horizon in the distance, a mellow and amber light cast far across the landscape. Strange how much had happened, had changed, in a manner of hours.
Crickets chorus. In the nearby trees, an owl hoots a soft lullaby.
Arthur doesn't let go of your hand. With the other, he brushes it across the surface of the river and then reaches in, letting it pool into his palm. He brings it your face and lets its run across your hairline, loosening the blood that's crusted there.
It's a slow, dedicated process.
Hands, scarred and calloused, pass over your skin the softest of touches. His thumb works gently at your hair, washing the blood away into the river. You close your eyes when he asks you to, in a low murmur, and the cake of sin is cleaned from you in the most tender of motions.
"Will I ever be clean again?"
A whispered question, eyes still closed. The blood may be leaving but you can still feel it spraying across your face, hot and thick. It's sunk in, you're sure of it—evidence of your crime just an inch beneath your flesh.
"You are not unclean." Arthur grunts, his hand still moving as he speaks. His thumb passes over your jaw. "This— what you did, it don't dirty these hands, you hear me? You did what you needed to do. You did nothin' wrong."
The assurances feel heady and heavy and you want to shake them off. You're not yet sure if you deserve them.
"I'm not mad he's dead." You say. He has to know this.
"I'm not mad I—" Your voice wavers terribly, even if your mind is set. "—killed him."
Eyes fluttering open, you gaze up at Arthur, reverent and resolute. "I... I would do it again, Arthur."
The for you is unspoken.
But if he looks, if he peers between the lines, you know Arthur would find it, beside the I love you hidden within your earnest words.
It's barely a secret—not when you want him to see it. You've been torn open today, a festering wound split down your middle, and somehow nothing feels more crucial than him knowing.
Him knowing and loving you still, seeing you unchanged, despite it all.
The water rushes around you, carrying your transgressions away, and his hand in yours, dwarfing it, does not falter. Arthur's eyes graze across your face. He seems to find what he's searching for.
"You won't ever have to, sweetheart." He says, voice nearly a whisper.
His lips find your hairline, scraping a delicate kiss against the clean skin there. Then he presses his forehead against yours, soothing and intimate, a lifeline. An understanding and a reciprocation.
A sudden urge possesses you, the words clawing up your throat in a frenzy.
You need to tell him, need to say the words aloud and make him understand, as you had on that shop floor.
What if he doesn't know?
His forehead shifts against yours, the tips of your noses nudging together, your interwoven hands grasping each other just as tightly as the other. A warmth rises in your chest, glowing and fizzling, and despite the day, your lips twitch with the hint of a smile.
He knows.
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sai-int · 1 month ago
hear me out, in the rdr2 universe right… imagine it’s close to sunset and you’re making your way back home after maybe a hunting trip or just going to another town for bartering/selling some goods.
you’re in the outskirts of a slightly wooded area where you hear soft singing, a slightly deeper or raspier yet not too bad of a singing voice. getting closer, it’s arthur morgan with his back turned, setting up camp and singing to himself to stay occupied as he was alone with his horse.
maybe he doesn’t hear you but his horse alerts him or you step on a branch and you call out to him to let him know “hey, someone is behind you but i’m friendly”
obviously you’d both be on guard, both don’t know if either would attack but you start to talk to one another, trade stories by the campfire as the sun continues to set, casting a gorgeous orange and pink hue over the two of you
(idk just an idea i’m not an author)
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UNDER THE GUN | arthur morgan
in which you harbor a wanted man that's undeniably sexy.
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this had a mind of its own, so it's not exactly what you wanted, but i hope you still like it!
cw: MDNI, 18+, arthur morgan x f!reader, lots of porn, lots of plot, smut, unprotected piv, oral (f!recieving), size kink if you squint, creampie LONGER READ
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The ground beneath your boots crackles, the dry twigs and leaves giving way with a sound that seems too loud for the stillness around you. Each step sinks deeper into the thick carpet of earth and rotted flora, the weight of your pack pulling at your shoulders as you push forward. The air bites at your cheeks, a cool and sharp reminder of the early autumn chill that clings to the woods. It’s the kind of cold that seeps in unnoticed, the kind that finds its way under your coat and lingers in your bones.
The scent of damp earth, moss, and rotting leaves fills your nose, familiar and homely. It’s a smell you’ve come to know intimately since you left Valentine years ago, set on ‘living off the land’ or whatever you used to rave about in your teen years. There’s something heavier in these familiar wood, like the forest is both alive and ancient, as though it remembers things you couldn’t even begin to imagine. 
You’d been out hunting since dawn, and now, with the last rays of the dying sun slanting low through the trees, your haul weighed heavy at your belt. Two rabbits, freshly killed, their lifeless bodies swinging with each step, and a plump turkey wrapped up in your pack. The promise of a fire, a meal, and the solitude the woods offered made your pace steady but weary. Every muscle in your legs screamed for rest, but the thought of home—the small camp nestled just over the next ridge—kept you moving.
But as you crest the rise, the air in your lungs turns frigid, freezing your breath as it escapes you, your heart skipping a beat.
Thin smoke curled lazily into the sky, trailing upward in the fading afternoon light. It wasn’t the gentle wisp of a dying fire—it was too steady, too persistent to be that. Your fire, the one you’d used for coffee in the morning hours, had been snuffed out. You made sure of it. Right? Yeah. You’d done it. A cold sweat prickled at the back of your neck. The sound of crackling flames reached your ears, sharp and familiar, like a grim confirmation: someone was here. In your camp. And they weren’t supposed to be.
Every instinct you’ve honed over years in the woods kicks into high gear. Your breath catches in your throat, sharp and shallow. You drop to a crouch, sinking into the cover of the trees. Your hands automatically find the rifle slung across your shoulder. Cold wood against your palms, fingers tightening around the stock and barrel like a lifeline.
You’re fluid, practiced, slipping through the underbrush, heading down the small hill. Each step is calculated to avoid the snap of a twig or the rustling of leaves as best you can. The camp’s just a few yards ahead, your senses sharp and alert as your eyes lock on the man sitting by your fire. He doesn’t notice you. His back is turned, broad, solid, and tense, hunched in a way that suggests the weight of the world presses down on him all at once.
The faint glow revealed a rugged silhouette, a weathered, black hat pulled low over his head, a sleek black vest and matching pants, and—most unsettling—a set of silver pistols resting at either of his hips.
You stalk closer to him like a predator as he stretches his hands closer to the fire. Your rifle follows every twitch of his movements, trained at the back of his head. Your eyes flick between his hands and his pistols. If he made a wrong move, you’d end him right there.
Your pulse hammers in your ears, a drumbeat in time with the crackling flames. You halt just behind him, rifle trained, your breath steady and controlled.
“Don’t move,” you hiss, nudging the barrel against his head.
He freezes, every muscle in his body locking up. His hands lift slowly, palms raised in a gesture of surrender. His voice came low, rough like gravel scraped underfoot. “Easy now,” he drawled. “Ain’t lookin’ for trouble.”
“Well you’ve found it, Cowboy,” you snap back, nudging the barrel harder against his hat, a reiteration of your threat. You could smell the smoke from the fire, feel the heat on your face. “Who the hell are you, ‘n what are you doing at my camp?”
He turns his head just enough to catch you in his peripheral, but he doesn’t fully face you. His side profile is illuminated by the firelight, the sharp slope of his nose and the weight of his eyes etched in shadow. His chestnut hair, slightly overgrown, curls into a subtle mullet at the back, with loose strands falling across his eyes. A rare touch of neatly trimmed stubble outlines his jaw—surprisingly well-groomed despite his otherwise rugged appearance. 
He hums a low, deliberate sound, like he’s in no rush, as if he could keep this up all day. Maybe he does—lurking around, picking off unsuspecting camps. "Name’s Arthur," he drawls slowly, the words slipping out with an ease that juxtaposes the tension in the air. "Arthur Morgan. Needed a place to lay relax for a spell, miss. Didn’t think anyone’d mind-"
“Well, I do mind,” you grit your teeth, grip tightening on the rifle’s under-barrel, your finger lowering to hover over the trigger. “You’ve got ten seconds to convince me not to blow your fuckin’ head off.”
Arthur’s lips quirk upward, the ghost of a smile barely visible under the shadow of his hat. “Reckon you’re a good shot, but you’d be wastin’ good ammo.” His voice was steady, calm, and there was a strange ease in the way he spoke. “I don’t mean no harm, girl. Just needed some warmth and a chance to catch my breath.”
He let out a sigh, the first sign of frustration breaking through. “Look… I’m just damn tired, alright? Needed a minute. Ain’t lookin’ to ruffle your… lady feathers.”
Your eyes narrow, scanning his body for any sign of threat. It was as if he wasn’t afraid of the rifle, or of dying. Something tells you he’s dealt with worse than guns in his face. “Lucky for you, I’m not trigger-happy,” you muttered, lowering the rifle just a hair, but still keeping it ready. “I’ll give you half of supper, Morgan. Then you’re gone.”
“Fair enough,” he exhales as he drops his hands, “Appreciate your generosity, mi-”
“Generosity’s got nothing to do with it,” you interrupt, putting the barrel down and rounding to his front, taking in his features in their entirety. “I just don’t feel like dragging your corpse outta here.”
Arthur chuckles, the sound rough and deep, like the rumble of distant thunder. It sends an unexpected shiver down your spine. “Fair point. Mind if I ask who I’m thankin’ for not blowin’ my head to bits?”
You hesitate, your gut twisting. You’d never been one to trust easily, but something about him, in the way he held himself, the rough edges to his voice—made you reconsider. Maybe it was the familiarity in his eyes, the quiet respect in his tone. Or maybe it was just the solitude of the forest making you soften when you shouldn’t. 
You give him your name as you toss your pack aside the small tent. You turn and sit a safe distance from him, but close enough to the fire to feel the heat on your skin, the crackling flames casting long shadows between you. You set your rifle down beside you, fingers lingering on the stock, just in case. "Just don't make me regret lettin' you stay," you mutter low and sharp.
Arthur nods, his posture relaxed as he shifts back against the log. "Fair enough," he says, his voice steady. He shoves his hands into his pockets and pulls out a loose cigarette, tapping it lightly against his thumb before holding it to the flame. The tip catches, glowing bright as he brings it to his lips, inhaling deeply before exhaling a cloud of smoke that drifts lazily into the night air. “I’ll be outta your hair as soon as it’s safe.”
You quirk your brow. As soon as it’s safe? You shake your head. Don’t get involved. You turn your attention to the rabbits on your belt. You untether them, fingers working quickly, skinning them with precision. Your mind keeps wandering back to Arthur. The way he sits by the fire, his broad frame casting such a large shadow behind him, the way the heat of the fire seemed to reflect in his eyes. There was something buried deep in him and you couldn’t help but wonder what it was.
You make quick work of the rabbits and you prepare a stew to brew over the fire. The sounds of the crackling flames and the rhythmic chopping of meat fill the silence between you. Arthur’s eyes never leave you. He thinks you don’t notice, but you don't need to, you can feel the weight of his gaze on you. It makes you breathe a little harder, tension building in your chest, your hands shaking ever so slightly as you put the ingredients in and set the pot over the fire. You can’t lie to yourself—it's been a long time since you’ve been this close to a man. And if Arthur Morgan was anything, he was undeniably… sexy.
You sink back against the log, eyes briefly flickering to Arthur, accidentally meeting his gaze before looking elsewhere. Arthur shifts almost awkwardly, clearing his throat. “So… what’re you doin’ out here all alone?” His voice is low, but there’s a genuine curiosity in his tone.
You glance up briefly, giving him a sharp sidelong look. “You really makin’ small talk?”
He shrugs, as if it’s the most casual thing in the world. “Figured I’d get to know the person I’m campin’ with. Ain’t every day one finds a woman like yourself this far from town.”
You cock an eyebrow. “‘Like myself’?”
He hesitates for a second, then exhales a slow breath, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, uh, you know...” He clears his throat, voice dropping a touch lower. “Pretty.”
You narrow your eyes as you study him. “You butterin’ me up for somethin’?”
Arthur lets out a smooth chuckle at that, his shoulders giving a brief, easy bounce. “I’m just an honest man.”
You shake your head, a smile cracking through the tough front you’d been holding up. On your haunches, you move over to stir the stew, your movements quick but steady, before plopping back down—closer to Arthur—and shifting the rifle out of the way. “Guess I like my peace and quiet. Ain’t much else to it.”
Arthur scooches toward you in return, an arms length away as his elbows rest on his knees. “Yeah? You don’t strike me as the type to just sit around, waitin’ for something to happen.” He pauses, looking you over with an easy sort of scrutiny. “You huntin’ for sport, or you just survivin’ out here?”
You flick him a quick glance, trying to ignore the heat building in your chest. “Bit of both, I guess. Gotta eat somehow.”
“Fair enough,” he says, taking a drag from his cigarette. “Reckon you know what you’re doin’.”
You don’t answer immediately, gazing into the dancing flames and letting the silence stretch out between you. When you finally speak, it’s softer, but still guarded. “You always ask so many questions?”
Arthur chuckles like he’s genuinely amused. “Only right to get to know the pretty woman cookin’ me supper.”
You roll your eyes, but the corners of your mouth twitch with a reluctant smile.You don’t respond right away, You can feel his gaze on you again, though—studying your features.
Finally, you break the silence, changing the subject to ease the burn in your cheeks. “Well if you’re way out here, I reckon you’re not the type to stay in one place too long, huh?”
Arthur’s eyes flicker with something unspoken, but he doesn’t shy away from the question. “Not usually,” he says slowly. “But sometimes, a man gets tired of movin’. Need a break now and again.” His voice softens slightly, like he’s letting something slip past his usual guarded tone.
You glance at him, raising an eyebrow. “And what’s your idea of a ‘break’?”
He grins, that lazy smile creeping back onto his face. “A warm fire, a decent meal… Pretty woman by my side, if I’m lucky.” His eyes linger on you a moment longer than necessary, before he looks away, tossing his cigarette to the ground and crushing it beneath his boot. “Could do worse than this, sweetheart.”
You don't say anything for a moment, caught between the stillness of the night and the tension between you and him. Finally, you give him a small nod, almost imperceptible. "Yeah. Could do worse."
You keep your focus on the stew, but you can sense him edging closer again, his knee almost brushing against yours. “You know, for someone who says she likes peace and quiet, you sure don’t mind me stickin’ around.”
You glance up at him from beneath your lashes, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. “Maybe I’m just likin’ the company.” You let the words hang in the air, just long enough to make him wonder if you mean it or not.
Arthur’s grin widens, and he leans in just a bit, “Yeah? And what exactly about ‘your company’ do you like?”
You turn your head to face him directly, the fire casting a warm, golden glow on his skin. Your gaze sharpens as you look him over. “Could be his way with words.”
He chuckles a low, gravelly sound that makes your stomach flip. “That all, girl?”
You hold his gaze, letting the silence stretch. It reeks of ‘What If’s’. “Could be the way he’s lookin’ at me right now.”
His eyes flicker to your lips, then back up to your eyes. He doesn’t move for a second, just watches you, like he’s weighing something. He seems to come to a conclusion when leans in a bit more, tilting his hat further up to avoid hitting your forehead. “That so?” he murmurs, his breath warm against your cheek.
You crane your neck to him,, bringing your face a hair’s breadth closer to his. “Could be,” you reply, your voice almost a whisper.
For a moment, it feels like everything else—the fire, the stew, the night itself, just fades away. “You know,” he rasps, “I’m startin’ to think you want me to stick around a little longer than you planned.”
You can’t help the chuckle that bubbles up, but it’s light, teasing. “You might just want to, Mr. Morgan.”
His smile never wavers. “Oh, I’m wantin’ a whole lot of things right now, darlin’.” His eyes flicker down to your lips again, then back to your eyes. “A whole lot.”
You lean in, your lips just barely touching his, when a distant sound echoes through the forest. The crunch of twigs snapping under the foot of someone careless. A few horses. The low murmur of voices, drawing closer with every second.
Arthur stiffens, his eyes darting toward the inky forest. His expression hardens, the playful grin slipping away as quickly as it had appeared. “Shit,” he mutters under his breath, rising to his feet in one fluid motion. “Don’t like the sound of that.”
The crunch of leaves grew louder, their footsteps unmistakable. Anyone out at this hour spelled trouble. You knew it, and so did he.
You’re on your feet too, instincts kicking in. Arthur looks back at you, brows furrowing in discontent. “I ain’t got time for this,” he says, voice tight. “I need somewhere to hide.”
You froze for a moment, doubt creeping in. Sure, he might’ve done some questionable things—Lord above knows you had—but enough to be on the run? What could he have done to need hiding?
Before he can take another step, you’re already moving. Without thinking, you shove him toward your tent. “In there. Now.”
Arthur hesitates, clearly flustered. “What—? You can’t—”
“Go!” you snap, the urgency in your voice cutting through the air. “Get in the fuckin’ tent, Arthur.”
He shoots you a look, but you don’t have to tell him twice. He nods sharply, ducking into the ten, the flap shutting behind him. You turn and pick up your rifle, holding it tight in your grasp.
A man, a Bounty Hunter emerges from the trees with his horse in tow, his frame illuminated by the light of the fire. He stops just on the edge of your camp, taking in the scene with an appraising look. His partner follows, a little slower, scanning the area more thoroughly. Their presence sends a prickle of unease crawling up your spine, but you don’t let it show.
"Evening, miss," the first one says, almost casual but with an air of inquisition behind it. He sizes you up quickly, eyes flicking over you before scanning the area of the camp. "You alone out here?"
You keep your expression neutral, hands relaxed around the rifle but ready to move if you need to. Your voice comes out calm and steady. "Just me. Goin’ about my business."
The second hunter doesn’t waste any time, moving toward the fire and eyeing the camp as his hands tighten around his horses tack. His eyes lock onto your rifle before drifting back to you. "We’re lookin’ for someone," he says, his tone more serious now. “A man by the name of Arthur Morgan. Seen him around?”
The name hits you like a blow to the chest, but you don’t let a flicker of recognition show. Instead, you furrow your brow slightly, feigning confusion. "Arthur… Morgan?" you repeat as if saying the words for the first time, giving a slow shake of your head. "Can’t say I have."
The first hunter takes a step forward, clearly unconvinced. "He’s been causin’ trouble ’round here. Stealin’ horses, robbin’ folk. We’re checkin’ all the camps." He looks over your fire, the tent, and the surrounding woods with a calculating eye, as if trying to catch any sign of someone hiding.
An ‘honest man’ huh? You keep your posture relaxed, playing the part. "Like I said, it’s just me out here. Ain’t seen anyone else."
The second hunter doesn’t seem to buy it. He takes a few steps closer, eyes narrowing as he sweeps the camp again, this time lingering on your rifle and the faint trail of smoke in the air. He cocks his head slightly, studying you with suspicion. "You sure about that, miss?" His voice carries a bite of challenge now, his stance a little more defensive.
You meet his gaze evenly, giving him a small, almost dismissive shrug. "Reckon I’d know if someone was here. Not the first time I’ve been alone in the woods."
The first hunter looks back at his partner, exchanging a tense glance before he nods and steps back. "Well, if you’re sure," he says, though his voice still holds a note of doubt. "We’ll take your word for it, miss."
The second hunter hesitates for just a beat longer, his eyes narrowing once more as he looks over the camp. He seems to weigh his options, but after a long moment, he finally sighs and glances back at his partner. "We’ll be back if we need more help findin’ him."
You give a small nod, never breaking eye contact, your voice casual as you reply, "Right then. You take care now."
The two men exchange a final, uncertain look before turning on their heels and heading back toward the tall pines. The crackling of the fire and the chirping of the crickets fill the silence as you stand still, listening intently. Your eyes dart, scanning the trees where the hunters walked off. You wait, every second stretched out, until you finally hear the sound of horses hooves thumping against the earth. Away.
You stay frozen, rifle still in hand, until the sound of their horses completely fades into the distance.
"Come out," you call, voice barely above a whisper but carrying through the quiet night.
The flap of the tent shifts before you hear his boots brushing against the dirt. He steps out slowly, a shadow in the firelight, his broad frame emerging from the darkness. He looks at you with that same easy expression, but you don’t miss the flicker of something beneath the surface—something guarded, maybe just as wary as you.
He stands before you, hands at his sides, tense as if he’s waiting to get socked in the face. 
You don’t lower your rifle this time. Instead, you stand tall, staring him down with your eyes narrowed.
"Thought you were an ‘honest man’, Arthur," you say it low, each word slow and deliberate, carrying the weight of your suspicion. "Left some things out, did you? Robbin' and stealin’. The fuckin’ bounty you’re wearin’ in my camp? Probably killin’, too, right?."
Arthur’s expression falters for only a moment, but it’s enough for you to see the brief flicker of discomfort in his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
"I should’ve known better," you continue, your grip tightening on the rifle, still not lowering it. "You didn’t just need a place to rest. You were hiding. Just like the rest of ‘em."
He looks at you for a long moment, the silence between you thick and taut. Then, slowly, he sighs, a long, drawn-out exhale that seems to carry the weight of his frustration.
"Yeah, alright," he mutters, taking his hat in his hands and running a hand through his hair. He steps closer, but keeps a respectful distance. "I didn’t tell you everything. Ain’t proud of it. But you don’t know what it’s like—always looking over your shoulder, never knowing who’s gonna come after you next."
You don’t answer right away, watching him carefully. The firelight flickers over his face, and for a moment, he looks tired—worn down, like the world’s too heavy on his shoulders. But there’s still something about the way he stands there, trying to explain himself, that softens the edge in your chest, even if you don’t want it to.
He takes another step closer, his voice low but calm, like he’s trying to placate you, trying to make you understand.
"Those men?" He gestures vaguely toward the trees. "They ain’t the first to come lookin’ for me. They won’t be the last, either…I ain’t gonna put you in danger. I promise, Ain’t gonna let you get hurt. I just needed a place to lay low for a bit. Ain't nobody else around for miles."
You keep your eyes locked on him, but the harshness in your grip loosens just a bit. The tension in your body starts to fade, even as your mind races with the implications of what he’s saying.
"Yeah?" you say, your voice softer now, though there’s still a bite to it. "That’s it? You’re just ‘tired’, and ‘needed a rest’? That is what you said, right?"
Arthur’s gaze softens, and he nods, his lips curling into that half-smile of his. "Pretty much. Wouldn't lie about that."
You breathe out slowly, your rifle now hanging loosely in your hands. The hard edge in you has started to dull. You don’t feel as guarded as you did. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you, like he values your opinion of him. Maybe it's just the firelight, the warmth, or the way his eyes bore into yours, silently pleading with you.
You stare at him for another beat, then let out a small huff. "Fine," you relent, your voice carrying the weight of reluctance. "Don’t make me regret it. I’ll put a hole through that stupid hat you got."
Arthur’s smile widens just slightly, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Wouldn’t dream of it."
You set the rifle aside and move to the fire, the heat from the embers warm against your skin as you reach for the pot. The stew is well past ready, the rich scent of rabbit, herbs, and vegetables swirling in the air. You take it off the fire carefully, the sizzling sounds dying down as you settle it on the edge of the stones.
Arthur doesn’t say anything at first, just watches you. His eyes linger for a moment before he shifts slightly, as though he’s unsure of what to do next, where you both stand. The tension between you is still palpable, the silence bringing you back what happened mere minutes ago. You both know what almost happened—what could have happened—and the weight of it hangs in the air like the forest is beckoning it to happen again.
You pour the stew into two tin bowls, your hands steady as you bring them over to where Arthur’s moved to sit by the fire. You settle down next to him, your shoulders brushing lightly, the silence between you heavy.
The crackle of the fire fills the space where words should have been. At first, the quiet is just uncomfortable—a reminder of the spat you just had. Arthur shifts a little, taking a bite of the stew and swallowing before speaking again, his voice softer now. "You know… that’s the kindest thing anyone’s done for me in a long time." He looks over at you, his blue-hazel eyes glowing in the firelight. "Protectin’ me like that... You didn’t have to do that."
You glance up at him, surprised by the sincerity in his voice. It’s not what you expected, but you mull over it before responding.
"Guess I don’t like people pushin' folks around," you say with a small, almost teasing shrug, trying to brush off the seriousness of the moment, staring down at the stew. "But I also don’t take kindly to anyone gettin' hurt if I can help it."
Arthur smiles, his gaze steady as he watches you. "I’m grateful then," he says, his voice low. “Ain’t never expect anyone to do all that for little ol’ me."
A silence settles over you again, but this time, it feels different. The words hang between you like a thread waiting to be pulled, and Arthur shifts closer, just enough that you feel the heat of his body next to yours. His tone changes.
"For the record," he says, leaning a little closer. "That was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever seen."
Your brow furrows, and you glance over at him, a slight confusion pulling at your features. "What?" you ask, not sure you heard him right.
He doesn’t miss the perplexed look in your eyes, and he chuckles, that same mischievous grin creeping back. "You don’t know what I’m talkin’ about?" he asks, eyes gleaming with that playful edge.
You shake your head, your heart beating a little faster.
Arthur leans back, but his gaze never leaves you, steady and intense. "You shoved me right in that tent, all bossy-like, told me to stay put while you handled those hunters. That... that was somethin’ else, girl."
A flush creeps up your neck, the heat of it settling in your cheeks. "That’s not—" you start, but Arthur’s grin widens, and the way he’s looking at you—like he’s memorizing every detail of your reaction—makes your words falter.
"It is," his voice almost a whisper, "ain’t even hesitate. Took charge like it was nothing." He gives a low whistle. "Got me all fired up."
He leans closer, close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips again and its more than welcome. He hovers there, tantalizing and teasing. Arthur’s voice is low, a soft growl under his breath, as he looks at you with something deeper in his gaze. "Reckon we’ve got some unfinished business, ain't that right, doll?"
You take a shaky breath, trying to regain some sense of control, but his words leave you in a haze. Your mind races as your heart beats louder, and for a moment, you think you might just say fuck it and close the gap just to feel his lips against yours.
But you hold back, just barely.
"Right," you say softly, voice almost a whisper.
It’s almost too much, the way he’s watching you, daring you to make the move. The temptation is unbearable. Your hand moves instinctively, pulling his head to yours and closing the gap, feeling his lips completely against yours for the first time.
It's gentle at first, a tender dance like neither of you are sure how much to push or how much to pull. It doesn’t last long. Arthur deepens the kiss, his hand finding the scruff of your neck to pull you closer, his other hand palms your waist as he guides you to straddle his lap, pulled tight so your chest is flush with his.
His hands roam your back and paw at your hips with hunger. The kiss deepens, messy and impatient, as his teeth graze your lower lip, pulling it into his mouth and nipping it before he soothes it with the heat of his tongue. The taste of him is sharp—tobacco, the faint tang of whiskey—and underneath it all, you. Every press of his lips against yours leaves you wanting more, your body reacting before your mind can catch up.
Your hands explore him, trailing up to tug at the collar of his shirt, desperate to feel more of him, to have him welded to you. His body is firm beneath your touch, sturdy and strong with a plush layer of fat and hair to keep him warm, the feel of it against your skin sends hot bursts of heat down your spine, where they settle in your cunt and drool out of you.
Arthur’s hands leave your back, moving to the front of you, his fingers brushing against the curve of your ribs before they slide lower, gripping your waist with possession. He pulls away from the kiss for a moment, his lips slick and swollen, his chest rising and falling with the weight of his breaths.
You take this as an opportunity, hands unbuttoning his vest and shoving his shirt up over his head. When he’s bare, your fingers brush against the hard planes of his chest as you pull him closer again. You kiss him with everything you have, a silent agreement that this is what you both want, what you both need.
His canines nip your lips, pulling a sharp mewl from you. He takes full advantage, slipping his tongue past your parted lips, tasting you with a hungry, unrestrained fervor, like an untamed mutt. He knows you won’t stop him—knows you’ll let him take as much as he wants.
You both move with a desperate kind of need. Arthur savors everything, though—his touch is firm, but there's a certain reverence in the way he undresses you, like he's trying to drink up every moment, every inch of skin he uncovers. He peels off your top, letting your tits bounce free, he’s near hypnotized, immediately palming them with a groan. He takes your right nipple into his mouth, sucking and flicking it with his tongue as his hand pinches the other. You arch your back into him, whining at the way his ministrations get you breathless and all red in the face. A low groan rumbles from him at the sound you make, his hips rolling up to meet yours, grinding his clothed cock against your cunt with need.
He pulls away, eyes flickering with something dark and hungry, but there's a tenderness there too, as if he wants this to be as much about you as it is about him. You see the way his chest rises and falls, his breath heavy as he fights the urge to pull you even closer, even faster. But he doesn’t. Instead, he flips you under him, carefully lowering you onto a discarded coat, the rough fabric cushioning your body as he hovers above you, his eyes searching yours.
"Comfortable?" he asks, his voice hushed and serious, even as his hands trail down your body, squeezing the plush of your waist and hips, near branding your skin in their wake.
You nod, your throat tight with anticipation. "Yeah," you breathe, your voice rough. "Just don't stop."
Arthur gives you that grin again, that dangerous, charming smile that you know will be the death of you. "I ain't goin' anywhere."
He leans down, his lips brushing against your neck, slow at first, like he's giving you time to adjust, to breathe, but it's not long before he’s kissing you again—harder this time, more urgent. You feel the weight of him on top of you, his body pressing against yours, the heat of his skin burning through you. His hands explore, tracing the lines of your body, memorizing every curve like he's afraid to forget.
The coat beneath you feels rough compared to his touch, but it’s grounding, real. As he hovers over you, his hands deftly undo your pants zipper and tug them down. You feel it—the overwhelming need to be consumed by him, in all measures of the word.
Arthur tosses your pants carelessly behind him, leaving you bare before him, your body illuminated by the flickering firelight, looking like something ethereal. You squirm, desperate for any hint of his touch. “Arthur, please…”
He groans, his hand palming his painfully hard cock through his pants, eyes drinking in every curve, every inch of you. “Tell me what you need, princess.”
“Fuck, touch me—anything, just... as long as it’s you,” you plead, your voice breathless with need, eyes blown wide.
“Atta girl,” he hums, a smirk tugging at his lips.
He presses his lips to the sensitive spot beneath your ear, sucking and biting hungrily, saliva trailing down your neck as he marks you with raw intensity. His mouth moves down, giving each tit special attention, his tongue flicking over your skin before dragging down your stomach. Every touch, every brush of his fingers, has you reeling, arching your back into him. 
His hands grip your thighs, spreading them with primal sort of determination as he presses a searing kiss right above your mons. His gaze locks with yours—dark, hungry—promise and danger flickering in his eyes as he finally settles between your legs, his breath heavy, the air thick with tension.
He dives in without hesitation, his lips instantly latching to your clit, licking and sucking with just enough pressure to make your eyes screw shut. You hear him slobbering all over you, making out with your cunt—his tongue laving over your folds like a home cooked meal. His tongue dips to your tight hole, greedily gulping down your juices, groaning at the taste of you. 
The sounds he makes are oh so primal, so sinful they could conjure a demon right then and there if he wasn’t so focused on the way your hole pulses with each flick of his tongue on your clit. You bite down on your lip, the pain sharp as you struggle to suppress the desperate cries building in your chest. Blood wells in the small cut, a testament to how much you’re trying to hold back. But it's impossible. Your hands card through his hair, unsure if you should hold him close or force him back because—God—he’s just too good.
He reluctantly pulls his mouth away from your cunt, and the loss leaves a harsh cry on your lips. He had brought you so, so close to the edge. 
“Awe,” he shushes you gently, “none of that whinin’ now, I’ll take care of you.” His face is soaked, stubble glistening, his lips covered in your slick, catching the flicker of the firelight. He leans forward, tongue flicking out to lick them clean, savoring every trace of you.
He rises onto his haunches, unzipping his pants and pulling them down quickly, muscles rippling as he moves. Once free, he leans back over you, hovering just above, his gaze heavy with desire. He taps his index and ring fingers lightly against your lips, his eyes locking with yours, waiting expectantly.
“Open up,” he coos, his voice low and commanding. You part your lips, taking his fingers into your mouth, your tongue swirling around them in slow, deliberate motions. Your eyes meet his, and a smirk plays at the corner of his lips. “Fuck, there you go… Sweet thing… so fuckin’ gorgeous… Gonna look so nice sittin’ on my cock, ain’t that right, girl?”
You nod fervently, releasing his fingers with a soft pop. “Need it, please, Arthur—” Your words falter into a desperate plea. “Shh… Shh…” He murmurs, his hand brushing your cheek, his voice low and soothing. “I’m gonna give you what you need, baby doll. Gotta work you open before you take me.” 
He keeps his gaze locked with yours as he brings his fingers back to your searing cunt, all wet and messy with his spit and your slick. Your hands find his broad shoulders, holding onto him as he teases your hole with the pads of his fingers. He bites back a laugh when you clench around nothing. He gathers some slick, moving up to draw a few quick circles to your clit before snaking back down and pressing his thick digits into your cunt.
The stretch is immediate, overwhelming, so much bigger than your own. Your eyes well from the relentless teasing, a mix of pleasure and ache burning in your belly. With a click of his tongue, he leans down to kiss a loose tear away, soft and tender, before giving experimental curls of his fingers. His gaze scans your face, waiting, searching for that sweet spot. After a certain thrust, your face contorts and you clench around him with a whimper, a smirk curls on his lips, and he continues, steady and deliciously curling his fingers inside you, stretching you out and hitting spots you never knew existed. 
You clench around him again, the familiar hot burn of raw pleasure pooling in your core, pleading with him to let you cum. You've been on the edge for so long, your legs tremor uncontrollably, and he can feel it, knows just how close you are.
“Getting close? Makin’ you feel all warm inside? Gettin’ real wet down there, baby, you gonna cream my fingers, hmm?” He murmurs in your ear, his fingers curling at the same steady pace, but you’re desperate, you need more. The slow rhythm isn’t enough anymore—your body aches, craving that sweet release.
“N-no, wanna cum on your cock— Arthur— Please, fuck!” You wail unabashedly. He slows his movements before gently pulling his fingers out of you with a wet schlick that makes your ears tinge pink. “Easy, easy, girl,” he hums, patting your hair with his other hand, “that’s what you want? Want me to make you cum all over my cock, pretty girl? You want that?” He babbles in your ear all desperate, wanting nothing more than to hear you say it again, the words falling from your lips like a prayer. 
You nod vigorously, and a genuine smile spreads across his face. He finds you so endearing like this—sweet, eager, and willing. He settles back against the log, his hands moving to your waist, guiding you to sit atop his thighs. With a swift motion, he pulls his drawers down, and his cock genuinely makes you gasp. He’s incomprehensibly thick and decently long, thick, dark curls around the base and a deliciously ruddy tip, drooling with pre and begging for attention. 
He takes it in his hands, giving it a few lazy strokes before holding atop your belly. “See that, baby?” He drawls, tapping his cock against you, “Gonna fit so snug, so deep in your belly.” You look down, seeing how he’s perfectly lined up, length resting just below your navel. The thought of him inside you, all of him, has you trembling, your mouth watering at the anticipation.
You lift your hips hovering just above his length. His hands find your sides, guiding you and letting you move at your own pace. You sink down slowly and it's euphoric. 
You lift your hips, hovering just above his cock. His hands find your sides, guiding you gently but giving you the freedom to move at your own pace. Slowly, you sink down on him, and the sensation is euphoric, every inch of him stretches you, slowly remolding your pussy to fit him inch by agonizing inch.
Arthur doesn’t believe in God, but in this moment, he looks up at the sky, searching for something, any deity or saint to anchor him. If he spent another second watching the way his length disappears inside you, he knows he’d blow his load instantly. You’re just so tight around him, as if you’re trying to cut off circulation. 
Finally, he’s buried to the hilt. You can feel him in your fucking lungs, every part of you aware of him. Your body no longer feels like your own—it’s as if you've become one with him, his cock filling you completely, and everything else fades away. Each breath you take, each subtle movement beckons his cock to hit new spots so deep inside of you, your senses overwhelmed.
You’re both sweating, your bodies a tangled mess of movement, desperate and breathless. Your hands cling to his shoulders, and his grip on your waist and hips is firm, controlling. He mutters softly, almost incoherently, “There you go, girl…” The words send a shiver through you. You take his head in your hands, your eyes locking for a brief, intense moment before you kiss him with everything you have, your passion and need pouring into the kiss. He responds in kind, his movements slow at first, as he begins to thrust, the rhythm causing the kiss to falter. “Takin’ me so fuckin’ deep, darlin’, such a good girl,” You’re both panting into each other’s mouths. 
You’re already so fucked dumb, your mind a haze of pleasure. All you can do is meet his thrusts, your body moving in sync with his, bouncing with each sharp motion. Every movement sends a new shockwave through you, a mix of pleasure and pressure that has you near whining, your breath hitching—soft ah ah ah’s—as you struggle to keep up with the intensity.
All you can hear is the sound of his thighs meeting yours and the sound of your pussy making an absolute mess of him. He’s muttering, groaning incoherently into your skin. “Fuckin’ made for m— Fuck! So fuckin’ tight, baby, milkin’ my fuckin’ cock— My girl—” He cradles your head against his and thrusts up into you at a pace that’ll leave you sore tomorrow, your tight wet walls clamping around him, milking him for all he’s worth while he hammers your g-spot. Each roll of his hips rubs against your clit, the friction is delicious and you feel heat begin to simmer in your belly, your walls clenching tight around him. “A-arthur, I’m gonna… Gonna cum..” You mewl into his shoulder as you claw into his back, your voice hoarse.
“Fuck, cream my cock, sweet thing. Come on now, I got you, focus on me,” He huffs, keeping up his pace despite the fatigue in his hips. He can feel you pulsing around him already and it’s egging on his own orgasm alongside yours. He guides your eyes back to his, keeping you locked there. 
He can feel the tension building, his balls tightening with the urgent need to release, every thrust pushing him closer to the edge. His body trembles with the effort of holding back his orgasm so you could have yours first. You bounce in his lap, ragdolling from the strength of his thrusts.You crash your lips onto his, messy and urgent, as you swallow the wail threatening to escape. The coil inside you finally snaps, an intense rush of pleasure flooding your senses as you come undone, your body trembling uncontrollably against his as you cream his cock.
“That’s my girl— Fuck,” he starts but is cut off by his own orgasm washing over him, his balls empty and fill your cunt with his spend, pumping you full. He gave a few lazy thrusts while riding out the after-shocks, each thrust making your body twitch in overstimulation. 
You sit atop him, your legs trembling with exhaustion as both of your chests rise and fall in tandem, each breath heavy and ragged. His body stills beneath you, his cock softens inside you, but he doesn’t make any attempts to move.  He stays with you, fully embedded, the connection between you both lingering in a slow, steady pulse.
Arthur brushes your hair out of your face, his hand resting gently on your cheek. His eyes lock with yours, and for a moment, everything else fades. There's a quiet intensity between you, the kind that doesn’t need words but still feels so heavy. His thumb moves slowly across your skin, grounding you in the softness of his touch.
"You alright?" he asks, his voice low and steady, as if he’s reading the tension still lingering in the air between you. His gaze doesn’t waver, just searching your face like he’s trying to understand every little shift in you.
You nod slowly, feeling the warmth of his hand, the steady rhythm of his breath. "Yeah… just… give me a second."
He watches you carefully, but there’s a softness to his expression, a kind of understanding that doesn’t need to be spoken aloud. He leans in slightly, his forehead brushing against yours, close but not quite touching. "Take all the time you need, darlin’," he murmurs, his voice rough but comforting.
As you come to, you feel the lingering rush, the aftershocks of what just happened, and it’s almost overwhelming. But Arthur’s presence is steadying, his calm and quiet like an anchor. "I’m good," you say finally, though your voice feels a little breathless, like you’re still trying to catch up with yourself. You meet his eyes again, and this time, the intensity is different—softer, maybe even a little tender.
Arthur lets out a low, quiet chuckle. "You ain’t gonna be sayin’ that in the mornin’," His voice holds a hint of teasing, but there’s no judgment in it, only affection, a quiet warmth that makes you smile despite yourself.
"Probably," you admit, shifting slightly, still feeling a little shaky. " I doubt I’ll mind, though."
Arthur’s smile is small, but it holds more than words could say. He stays close, his hand still on your cheek, his thumb running in slow circles. "You don’t gotta worry about a damn thing, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice rough , like the realization of everything that just happened hasn’t quite settled in for him either.
You stay there in Arthur’s arms for what feels like forever, neither of you making any effort to move. The fire crackles softly, its warmth enveloping you both, casting flickering shadows in the night. You don’t know what’s in store for you and Arthur, but at this moment, none of that matters. He’s here, his hand gently cupping your cheek and arm is wrapped securely around your waist. Right now, that’s all you need.
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smallestapplin · 1 month ago
A kiss for the road
Arthur Morgan x traveling doctor!Reader
Warnings : no TB au, fluff, talks of some minor injuries, playful banter, established relationship.
This was commissioned by @yanban-san !
The outlaw groans as he slowly rides into town, his horse taking a leisurely pace just so their rider doesn’t get jostled too much. Entering a familiar town was just what Arthur needed, he knew the right places to avoid attention. His shoulder aches, the cut on his cheek stopped oozing blood a while back, no doubt you’re going to be upset with him over that.
But you’re better than trying to patch it up at camp by himself.
Arthur told himself he wouldn’t fall, he’s not a good man, you deserve better than an outlaw like him, you deserve someone you could show off, someone you can go shopping with. He tsks at himself, so much for that plan. Snapping from his thoughts once his horse stopped moving, he found himself in front of a familiar little shop.
A traveling doctor, going from small town to small town to help people.
You’re too good for him. His blue eyes linger over your open sign showing him you must still be in your little traveling cart. The cowboy can’t stop the small smile from appearing on his face, knowing you aren’t going to be very pleased with him getting into more trouble, especially after you told him just a week ago to take it easy.
Well, he supposes it has its upsides.
Hopping off his horse, he ties her reins to the post near your open sign before he picks up the sign and flips it to ‘closed’, and just walks right in with no knocking. He spots you on the other side of the cart back turned to the door, fiddling around with tools he doesn’t quite remember the names of.
“Sorry, just one moment please. Terribly sorry about that, how can I-“ you pause mid sentence as your eyes lock onto your favorite cowboy, taking in the bruises over his cheeks, some hidden just beneath his shirt, he looks like a mess.
Arthur grabs his hat, taking it off and placing it over his chest.
“Sorry darlin’, it seems I got a few new wounds. Care to treat me, doc?”
Like his words snapped you from your thoughts as you rushed to him, gently grabbing his arms and moving him to take a seat. Oh Arthur knows he should feel bad about worrying, and he’d hate to admit it, but he finds himself enjoying your fretting, how you rush around grabbing things to clean and patch him up.
“Oh my god, Arthur! How many times do I have to tell you to be careful? Heaven and stars above you’re lucky you haven’t gotten any infections.”
He hisses under his breath, feeling you press antibacterial cleaner to his cheek. But he never takes his eyes off you, taking in your focused expression as you easily patch up his cheek.
You go to scold him more after you’re finished placing the bandage on his cheek, just for him to grab your wrist, carefully pulling you closer until your face is mere inches from his. Your cheeks burn at how close he is, but you can’t help but lean into him. Your hands on his shoulders balancing yourself as your lips finally meet his chapped ones, his hands move placing one on your lower back, and the other on your hip holding you close to him.
you’re surrounded by him, his warmth, his scent, god how you’ve missed him. your mind muddled even as he pulls his lips off yours, resting his forehead to yours.
“Am I forgiven, Doc?”
you blink once, twice, then several more times as you collect yourself, finally moving away from him to properly stand.
“I…suppose, but that depends if you have any more injuries.” You give him a pointed look with your hands on your hips.
“Now, why would you think I got any more wounds?” He feigns ignorance, a playful grin on his face as he watches you narrow your eyes at him in a playful return.
“Cause this is you we are talking about, Mr.Morgan. The second I let you leave this cart, you’ll have a new injury from lord knows where.”
He raises his hands up in mock surrender before he moves around, making sure his bad shoulder was the one facing you, his back now towards you while he places his hat next to him and unbuttoning his shirt, just enough to free his shoulder to show you. You want to scold him more as you take in the new injury, looking at how bruised his flesh is around the gash.
“How the hell did you manage that?”
Arthur tenses for a moment only to relax under your gentle touch, leaning against the warmth of your hand.
“Dumbest way possible, surely.”
You chuckle at his words as you begin to ready to clean the area.
“Oh, and how's that?”
“Finished a bounty, nice reward out of it too I can treat you after this. But, on the way back to camp some crazy jumped from the tree line and spooked my horse, threw me right off and well…there was a well placed rock right there.”
He can’t even see your face but he can hear you biting back your laughter. Arthur rolls his eyes.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up, infamous gunslinger lost a fight to a rock.”
You finally can’t hold back your snickers, trying not to laugh too hard so you can see what you’re doing. Arthur grits his teeth, feeling your gloved hands brushing across the gash, listening to you hum.
“Well, luckily for you this cut isn’t too bad, you’re free from needing stitches, but I need you to tak it easy, it won’t heal right if you lift too much or go on crazy missions, alright?”
“Oh darlin’ you worry too much.”
“Arthur, I’m serious, you could risk infection and the area getting worse.” You get some gauze, wrapping it around his shoulder to make sure it’s secure, “You’ll need to come back everyday until it’s closed so I can monitor it, okay?”
Arthur looks back to you, his eyes meeting your worried filled ones, how did he get so lucky? What did he do to deserve another chance at love? He didn’t know, but he knows he’s not going to let you slip away from him.
“Sweetheart, you know I’ll always come back to you, all that worryin’ ain’t good for ya.”
“I can’t help it, I love you too much, I alway worry about you.” You rest your head on his good shoulder, hands clinging to his shirt as if you’re afraid he’ll disappear.
“I love you too, sugar, now come ‘ere, how much do I owe ya?” He swivels around to face you while he fixes up his shirt.
“Really? Something tells me you just like getting kisses.” You chuckle, a bashful smile crossing your lips.
He’s such a gentleman for an outlaw, and ever the giving lover, how did you get so lucky?
“If it helps you stop worryin’ I’ll give you as many as you need.”
Can you blame him though? His sweetheart is his doctor, a damn good one too, all patchin’ him up and fretting over him? He’s surprised you can’t hear his heart racing with what you do to him.
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the-alpine-glow · 1 year ago
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god i love ron perlman
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storytellering · 4 months ago
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Torn apart. Inspired by Romeo and Juliet by Sergio Cupido
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moeitsu · 11 months ago
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I have some things to say…
I’m biting his shoulders, kissing on his neck, dragging my fingers down the muscle of his back, I’m squeezing his ass and trapping him in my legs—I’m moaning in his ear, panting against his mouth, drooling over his lips….
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So I'm no longer joking when I say we should bring back the guillotine.
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arthursfuckinghat · 9 months ago
So, I was nosing around the gang's tents and I thought that it was honestly so sweet that so many of them have photographs of themselves or of family right?
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Little baby Charles with his parents, a young Susan, young Hosea and Bessie, but then I found something interesting in that pile of junk down the cliff just behind Arthur's tent-
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Dutch actually writes notes for his famous camp speeches.
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And if you've seen the speech that these notes are referring to, Dutch seemed to simplify it a lot when he recited it, almost dumbing it down for the gang entirely?
Writing notes for an important speech isn't the strange part, but the fact he dumbs them down and that these notes are hidden/thrown away out of sight is really strange to me. It makes me think that this is possibly a rough draft or early version of what he wanted the speech to be, sort of implying that Dutch practices and revises his speeches.
Which, if he ultimately dumbs them down for the gang, then what is the point?
The likely answer is that he holds himself to a higher standard because he feels he's above the gang members, in a way. He's the visionary, the leader, the man in charge, the one who reads philosophy books almost exclusively, to say that Dutch didn't think highly of himself would be a lie. And because the gang is 'below' him, he simplifies his speeches for them - despite majority of the gang being well educated and understanding. He doesn't think that the gang is as intellectual as him.
I made a post previously talking about Dutch and his Evelyn Miller philosophies and how he argues with gang members that don't agree or understand. It's especially interesting how Lenny, also an avid reader, disagrees so strongly with Miller's writings when that's what most of Dutch's philosophies are based on.
It solidifies that Dutch was manipulative from the beginning, and probably long before too.
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